TC Blogpost: Consider your Passion
Why do most people fail to pursue their hobby as a job?

According to Mark Zuckerberg, “Having a hobby shows that you have passion and enthusiasm”. What if you can convert your hobby into a full-time job? What if you try to find an actual accomplishment in what you actually love to do. While a few (fortunate) humans love their jobs, lots of us made our current profession selections primarily based on possibility, convenience, or income. Though all of these reasons are justifiable motives to live in a role you most straightforwardly kind of like, they won’t leave you quite as fulfilled as, say, doing an activity you love.
Finding your ideal profession may be as easy as asking yourself this one question: What do you actually love? If your answer involves one in all your pursuits and now not your 9-to-5 task, then it is probably time to start thinking about turning your hobby right into a full-time or part-time business.
So if you’ve already been given the desire, here’s the way to get the manner.
So where does the problem lie?
Every element of making a career entails inventiveness and imagination. Whether it’s how you create the product or inspire the marketplace, you’ll want to learn to innovate. No, be counted on how successful you get. You can never stop brainstorming.
Having passion doesn’t mean you will successfully get the job, most of people get rejected in the 1st stages of the interviews because they lack specific skills namely
1. Soft skills
2. Experience
3. Education
4. Extra-Curricular activities
We at TechCurators help you refine the necessary skills and provide you will best assessments which will help you move forward in life with poise and elegance.
Solution? "When fish at a time"

Soft Skills
Starting with the most important skills out of all, communication skills. As you know most of the people lack communication skills so they might not know how to react to any specific situation. Enhance your vocabulary to such a point so that you can turn the situation around just by the power of words. Be calm and always keep your tone light. Never try to force your opinions and always let the interviewee finish first.

Once you have cleared stage 1, then comes the experience. Just because you are good at your hobby doesn’t mean they are as it is accepted by the industries or companies. You might be excellent at what you love to do, but your excellence might not be able to fulfil the professional or Industrial demands. Change your way of work in accordance with the needs of the company you have applied for, your ways might not be acceptable by the company. Always keep yourself up to date so that when you are at an interview you are able to mold your technique and present it the way your interviewee wants.

Try to gain as much knowledge as possible, don’t limit yourself to only what you are being taught. Expand your horizon. The interview is all about confidence in how much you know. So keep your Education the first priority always.

Extra-Curricular activities
People are too focused on competing with one another that they often forget to take out time and learn new skills and hence lose points for not having any extracurricular activities. Never hesitate to learn new skills even if it is for fun. Having extra skills will always help in some or the other way because sometimes the interviewee might ask you to present something different and extraordinary so you should always be ready.
What else do you need to keep in mind while trying to pursue your hobby as a job?

Start with baby steps:
So, how do you get started? According to Compettis, the first-rate way to examine patience is with the aid of sticking to a timetable. “Be sure to work at a few parts of the business or hobby for at least 15 minutes every day,” they advocate.
Now, of the route, if you’re attempting to show your hobby right into a profession, you’re ultimately going to have to start ramping that each day up; however, 15 mins a day is a terrific place to start.

Simplicity is the key:
If you’re afraid that simplifying your offerings will restrict your alternatives for boom, we can reassure you that it has gained. “There are plenty of opportunities available, and in case you remain centered to your most important aim, you may get there faster and in the long run have extra achievements in the end.”

Stay True to Your Hobby:
It’s smooth to sense aggression with different enterprises available and to examine your success to theirs, but staying actual to your vision and your logo is the choicest manner to reach your paintings.
We at TechCurators help you broaden your vision and focus on the main goal and give in 100% to help you achieve it
If you are willing to give in your best to pursue your hobby as a job, go for it, but keep the important points in your mind so that you don’t end up like any other sheep in the flock. Do anything with 100% determination. The path of pursuing your hobby as a job might not be easy, but once you are successful you will be at peace and will be content with work you actually love to do.
TechCurators helps you pave the path so that you can concentrate fully on the outcome and you will know that we are always there to help you achieve your goals.

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