Know the difference
Confused? Whether to go apply for a start-up or a large corporation?

Most people live in a dilemma of whether to start their career with a small company/start-up or with a large well-reputed corporation.
Why is it preferable for interns/job seekers to apply for internships/jobs at small businesses rather than large corporations?
Yes, you will be surprised to learn how small businesses help you grow better.
Many people submit their resumes to large and well-reputed companies and sometimes get rejected because they lack experience or a certain set of skills that the company is looking for. They think working for small businesses will not provide them with the actual worth of their skills, as well as the recognition they may receive from larger corporations. This, however, is not the case.
Why not start with a Big Company?
Of course, who wouldn’t want to work for a big company paying you handsomely? But as the saying goes, “All that Glitters isn’t GOLD” it’s not always as simple as it appears. It’s really hard to get direct entry into a big company, and even if you do, the competition is fierce. You must continually be on your A-game, or you will fall behind and eventually out of the race. With so much competition, the chances for you to take the first step/ the initiative will be less, and your leadership skills might go unrecognized. In big companies, you do the work that comes under your department, and you only know that particular thing, which reduces the scope of improvement. The supply chain of Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies is mostly set in stone due to immense volume requirements and hence are less responsive to individual needs.
So, why prefer small businesses?
The Interns enrolling in small businesses might feel underpaid is less or might feel down because the business is still in the early stages of development. However, that’s definitely not it. Working for a small business brings out your real talents and strengths. You get to learn better, grow faster. Working at a start-up will give you more recognition because your opinion and your way of solving a problem will be noticeable. The leadership opportunities show up quite often, and of course, you stay highly motivated all the time. You can explore more with better flexibility, and you don’t work 24*7 under strict norms and regulations. You get a better experience. You might even get a chance to work directly with the higher-ranking officials, which helps you to know their mindset and you actually get to know how a business works what all is going on in the industry. You are free to diversify your roles, and you get an idea about all the departments.
One might feel differently about both sides, but it really doesn’t matter if it is a big company or a small business the intern/job seeker is applying for, as long as the internship/job helps you grow, learn, and is truly beneficial to in building a strong career. Ultimately, whether you work for a large company or a small business, it is up to you and how you operate. The ultimate goal of the internship should be to get placed in a good company in the end because that is all that matters. Applying for a start-up or a large corporation shouldn’t be viewed as a small term plan but a full proof plan to become a better version of yourself and be successful in life.

No matter what kind of internship you are looking for, TechCurators has a perfect role for you and will help you achieve new heights. We offer positions as a Project Manager, Talent Manager, Partnership Executive, etc.
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