The art of getting what you want
The great secret of getting what you want from life is to know what you want and believe you can have it.
Everyone is putting in their best efforts to achieve their goals, but as the saying goes you don’t get everything you desire. Only 12% of people successfully achieve their life goals, while the rest fail to make it in life. Hence, mastering The Art of getting what you want is really important to be successful in your life.
How and where to start?

The first and most important task is setting realistic goals, it may be daunting to even consider changing it following what your life demands but it is a necessity to move forward. If you set unrealistic goals you have failed from the very first step. Once you have set your goal start working on it with only one thought in your mind that “I can do it “. If you are true to your goal there isn’t anything that can stop you from achieving it.
You should know how to differentiate between “want” and “need”. Needs are the survival components that you require even if you don’t want to sustain in life, for example, water, food, air, fire, etc. Want is something you desire with which your feelings are attached and you have to work hard to get them for example your dreams, a house, your career, etc.
A person should move forward with a well-formulated plan. Planning plays an important role in the better functioning of your skills and helps you achieve your goals faster. If you have poor planning, you will get eliminated from the race. You need to decide everything well in advance so that you can catch 1 fish at a time henceforth.
If you are planning to achieve a team goal, you should know how to judge their abilities. Just because they are your friends doesn’t mean you have to include them everywhere. Learn to say NO and be unapologetic if it benefits your career or life. Choosing the right set of people, helps you save a lot of time, energy, and work. If there is good coordination among your teammates you can accomplish your goals easily.
Out of all these skills to be taken care of you, It’s YOU who should come first before all. There’s always a scope for improvement, so keep refining yourself whenever possible. Keep learning something new even if it doesn’t relate to you or your goals, with more knowledge you get a broad vision, and hence you can choose an alternative path even if your original plan fails. Always get up no matter how many times you fall down, consistency is the groundwork for success.
One should choose their goal carefully and for which they can work for and achieve it. The goal should help you become a better version of yourself. Even if you have mastered the art of getting what you want and your goal isn’t the right one then it’s no use to have control over such important life skills. Don’t fear what others say, if you feel like it will help you, then go for it. You might fall down sometimes but don’t forget to get up and start over again. Once you master the art of getting what you want you can lead a peaceful and happy life.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up, so never give up.

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